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At The Discipleship Center, We Believe That Being An Apprentice To  Jesus Isn't A Different Way To Experience Christianity, But Rather The Only Way.

  • The way to help those who are plagued by drug and alcohol addiction

  • The way to recovering from abuse

  • The way to create healthy marriages

  • The way towards finding real direction​


Issues from the past and present may plague our mind and distract us from following Jesus.  If we do not help resolve or compartmentalize these issue, they may dominate our thinking which puts our pain, suffering, problems, bitterness, ect. on the throne of our lives instead of Jesus.


While we do not need to be the Bible answer guys, there are things that we’ve learned in scripture and in life experience that we are able to unpack in bite size sessions.  We don't need to be a private preacher for individuals or small groups because we aren't a replacement for the Church, but rather just a small part of the Church.

Life Coaching

Our goal is to motivate people to motivate themselves.  As a life coach we want to draw out of you the things that you truly value and want to focus on in your life but at the same time gently nudging you towards a closer walk with Christ.


The life we live, the conversations we have, the consistency in our service is one that strives to be exemplary of how a follower of Christ should live, not only on Sunday, but in the Monday through Saturday world. 

1st Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

© 2019 by The Discipleship Center Ministries, a registered 501c3 charity

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