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End Times Prophecy, The Love Of Many Will Grow Cold

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I've become very concerned over people’s attitudes over the past years and it's getting worse at an exponential rate.

This morning, I saw the following stories and their sentiments...

1. Man kills cheating girlfriend while bystanders look on. Fortunately, I didn't watch the accompanying video, but this was a story that was purported to take place in Chicago, although we found out late that it was in some Asian country. Quite a few people were appalled that no one tried to help this lady while the guy chopped her head off, and one guy stood by and recorded the whole event on his phone instead of calling the police. Unfortunately, there were a few who said that "she had it coming". WE ALL HAVE IT COMING YOU COLD-HEARTED HEATHEN!!!!!

2. 15 year old son is murdered execution style after confessing that he molested his sister. The young man who had been a model student had recently had a depressed attitude was confronted by his mother and when he told her what he had done, the mom called the absentee father. Upon arriving at the boys home, he pistol whipped the boy, drug him outside to an empty lot, made him strip naked, kneel down, and then shot him execution style. The comments on this post were all over the place from poor innocent kid, to the father should have killed himself. My comment is, where was the father for the past 15 years, and this is the only response you have to your child's crime, is to murder him?

3. My hometown of Kankakee is plagued by an irresponsible mayor who is trying to keep our out of control crime problem on the hush-hush. One of her edicts is to not stop illegal traffic of 4-wheelers and dirt bikes from driving through town. So now we have a bunch of hood-rats who are doing wheelies down our main street, weaving in and out of traffic and causing chaos. Many comments were that if those kids get in their way, that they will run them over.

And I could keep going on with story after story and people’s cold hearted and cynical responses.

In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus paints a picture of what things will be like in the end times, or signs of the end times, and verse 12 came to mind as I read these stories this morning. "Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold." I cannot think of a better description of people today than that. Because of lawlessness, looking at the changing attitude of people towards the culture of crime that is glorified in our new media, in our pop-songs, in movies, and our video games, I can't help but think that there is a plot to de-sensitize people from crime, violence, murder, theft, arson, rioting, and the general disrespect for our peace keepers and law enforcers. The love of many will grow cold, looking at the amount of broken families, domestic violence, road rage, lack of courtesy in public, how quick tempered everyone is anymore.

When Love, Charity, Civility, and the desire for Peace dies, so does civilization. Without these basic virtues, a nation quickly collapses from within and are invaded from without. Abraham Lincoln, in 1858, in his address to after receiving the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination said in part “A house divided against itself, cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided.”

Today is nothing like 1858. No longer is the fight over ideas and morals, but rather for the freedom from ideas and morals, to engage in unfettered idolatry, immorality, and ignorance. If we lose this battle, and it seems inevitable that we will, then this nation will plunge into an era of chaos and debauchery on a scale that has never before been known by man since the destruction of worldwide flood at the time of Noah.

I believe that the only course of action left for us at this time is to preach the Gospel in season and out of season to bring any who would repent of their sins into the fold before this once great nation teeters over the brink, and I cry out "Lord bring revival to our land, or please come quickly for your own".

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