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Review, Revamp, Revive...

Over the past years, if you've been following along, I've had a dream to open a facility to help others find their way by following Christ. I thought that by giving people to opportunity to see Christ through us that they would want to follow Him as well.

The problem is that while I preach repentance as an integral part of salvation, the change of mind about what we are before a holy God and the need for a savior to rescue us, that isn't what I was developing. I preach against the "behavior modification" mindset because what good would it ultimately do to send "good-ish" people to hell because we failed to call them to repentance? Yet behavior modification is exactly what I was developing. It's easy to tell someone what to do, but not so easy to tell the what to be. What good is it to tell people that we are free in Christ because He has fulfilled the law for us, and then turn around a build a new law for them to follow?

All of this to say, forgive me Lord. You have shown me how to live in peace, to find my satisfaction in you, to live by your grace but in freedom with this newness of life that you given me. Now it's time to show people how to be an apprentice of Jesus Christ, because that's a journey worth going on.

Please continue to pray for The Discipleship Center as we revamp our ministry model and as we seek out those who would want to become more like Christ and partner with us in our Kingdom Purpose.


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