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Many people view the Bible as just a good book, but have never really looked into it personally.

We believe that the Bible is God's actual words.  By that, we mean that God has inspired or directly influenced men to write what he wanted to convey to us through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  To put this in plain English, if God were here right now and was to tell you something that you need to know right now, it would be what He has already written in His Bible.

God has a design for every facet of life, and the correct design is found in His word.  It is our responsibility to convey these messages in everything we do.

Over the course of an interns' 9-month stay, they will have an intense study of the book of Romans, because that singular book changed the direction of our Director's life.  Romans is like the spiritual hinge of the Bible, bringing all the doctrines of the Old Testament and the New Testament together to show us who we are in relation to God, the great Salvation He has gifted us with, and how we should now live because of that.

ESV Translation

While we do not prohibit anyone from bringing their own Bible to The Discipleship Center, we provide a copy of the ESV Bible for everyone as well as use the ESV for all of our lessons unless otherwise noted.

We do not disparage those who have been taught that older translations are better, but we also challenge them to look at the facts of how translations are created, and that there is nothing magical or mystical about making a modern translation.

The ESV translation stands on the shoulders of translations such as the King James Version, the Revised Standard Version, and the American Standard Version.  The ESV (English Standard Version) is a combination of a "word-for-word" translation and an "essentially literal" translation in that it tries to keep the grammatical structure intact when possible, but also using an essentially literal translation to bring the depth of meaning of words into a modern readable English structure.

See the video below for more on the ESV Translation.

The Discipleship Center brings General revelation and Special Revelation together.


Whether it's for life direction or addiction recovery, each resident recieves the individual attention they need to succeed



"Idle hands are the devils workshop" has shown to be more than a cliche.  Productivity helps give life structure and balance.


God has given us the handbook to real success.  It's our responsibility to listen to him

Go Forward

After nine months with us, we encourage our clients to pursue work or college to go into the next step of their lives

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